Tuesday, May 27, 2008


hey you all...
We are now 5 days from the due date and feeling anxious, excited and ready!  My midwife appointment today went great, all is well, baby is in top shape and prime position!  She estimates the baby's weight to be around 8 lbs.  We'll see, Barber babies tend to be large!  Please send us happy baby and labor thoughts throughout this week.....  we'll be sure to post when the action begins.  
until then,
c, j, and baby

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Henna Belly

Hello all!
We are now counting down the days until baby blake arrives!  I am definitely getting anxious to meet the little one, and with the 100 degree heat, I'm like a  slug!  On Tuesday my girlfriends came over and painted my belly with henna.  When the henna comes off, it leaves a beautiful reddish stain.  My midwife appointment on Tuesday went well and she says baby is in position and ready.  So am I!  Thanks for all of the fun comments, I'm enjoying this blogging thing!
all our love, 
crissi, jason and the wee one

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello all,
we are now at 38 weeks and counting down! Here are the latest pics that J took over the weekend.  Enjoy!