Sunday, August 24, 2008

more pics!

Elliot has so many pictures taken of him that sometimes I don't even get to see them all.  Here are some sweet ones from my mom's camera.  The pic with all the babies is from Elliot's Tuesday playgroup (he's in the orange stripes). I love the one of Elliot in the toybox with cousins Tillie and Ailsa close by. Elliot with his daddy, Jeff and Nate Parrish and a sweet one of Elliot with his Tio, Gawain.   
Well, time has flown by and tomorrow is the day I start school for the semester.  Elliot will be home with daddy this week as I get used to being a normal person again.  I sure hope my brain still works...
c, j, & e

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Elliot @ 12 weeks

Elliot had his first official playdate yesterday with a new friend from baby group!  Tula (who is 2 days younger than elliot) and her mom Jaime came over for lunch and a nice long visit!  The kiddos acknowledged each other, smiled a little and passed out.  What a success. 
I go back to school on Monday and the anxiety is setting in!  I know all will be well, but I am going to miss my little guy so much!
Speaking of little, he's not so little any more! His weight this morning  puts him @ 13lbs even!  GO elliot!
c, j, & e

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Elliot @ 11 weeks

Our big boy just keeps getting bigger! He now weighs 12 lbs, 5 oz.!!!  He seems absolutely huge to us compared to his little self a few months ago.  We had another great weekend up at Mt. Lemmon.  We took Elliot to Lemmon Rock lookout for the first time and by the time we got there, he was asleep.  We took in the amazing view for him.  I couldn't resist posting the cute pic of Elliot in the little plaid shorts that were a hand-me-down from his friend Quinn!  
Here is a list of Elliot's top 3 favorite things:
1.  Mama's milk, of course
2.  Bathtime!
3.  Music with the itunes visualizer on (see picture)

The itunes visualizer will calm Elliot more than anything else!  He loves to sit and watch it while being entertained by the likes of Alison Krauss, The Beatles (of course), and Justin Timberlake (not kidding).

hope all is well wherever you may be...
c, j, & e

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Elliot goes swimming

Elliot had his first experience in the pool and LOVED it!  We had noticed how much he enjoys his bath, so we thought we'd go for a swim in nanny and poppy's pool.  The water is so warm it's like bath water, so it was perfect for him.  He was fascinated by the water and was kicking his little legs like a frog!  We can't wait to watch him as he learns to swim...
Elliot had his first immunization last week and luckily had no serious reaction.  A little fussy, but I would be too!  He now weighs in at 11 lbs, 15 oz.  We are heading up to Mt Lemmon again this weekend.  Trying to soak up some more cool weather before I head back to school in a few weeks.  Hope all is well with you all!
c, j, & e