The last couple of weeks Elliot has discovered swinging! He loves it! Jason hung his swing (a hand me down from the Bosco's, thanks guys!) in the back yard. The days here have been gorgeous and he loves to just hang in the swing and listen to the wind chimes.
Here he is with his ever-present dimply smile that lights up the room and our hearts!
Elliot has also discovered that he can sit up all by himself (with pillows behind him and dad's hand to soften the fall). He seems to feel very proud as he sits up tall and plays with his toys.
Jason had to work on Thanksgiving (boo!) So Elliot and I went up to the station to visit while they were making their feast. Elliot loved all the attention from the guys but still doesn't realize how cool it is that his dad is a firefighter!
All our love and thanks to you all for everything you do...
c, j, & e