Monday, June 23, 2008

Elliot @ 3.5 weeks

Elliot is 3 1/2 weeks now!  It's hard to believe that he has only been here that long and amazing to realize how well we know him already, like he's been here for years.  He is now 8lbs 12oz and growing every day, still mostly in his cheeks and thighs.  I realized that since daddy is the photographer, he is poorly represented in pictures!  So, here is proof that he actually exists during a sweet moment in the glider with Elliot.  Elliot made his big debut at a friends party on Saturday night and slept through most of it, waking up at the end to greet his fans.  He is still mostly sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating...but we see glimpses of more awake time and his smiles are becoming more frequent much to our delight!
love to all!

1 comment:

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold said...

It looks like he is growing growing! I hope all is well!
