Tuesday, June 3, 2008

newest pics

Just the latest adorable moments from the blake family.


Meelee said...

Elliot is so beautiful! We wish we were there! Give him kisses and hugs from us!
Love, Merilee and Grandad

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold said...

Love the blog...so cute! Elliot is absolutely adorable:-)! Not sure if you got my message but Brant and I have something for the little one and would love to be able to see him! Just let me know when everything clams down :-)!

Heather and Brant

Laura Tully Zwickl said...

I love the PEACE sign! Congrats to you both.
Cousin Laura

Ms.Laurie said...

Congratulations and Happy Father's day Jason. I love you both so much wish I could come to see you and meet Elliot for the first time. Some day...before he starts college...lol
Hugs & kisses to all! Jason give my love and well wishes to your mom Marie!
Love you all, Laurie

Grandad Blake said...

I love my new grand son Elliot,along with Jason, Crissi and my new family too. Thank you for the wonderful visit. I'm looking forward for more visits soon. xoxo, Grandad Blake